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How to create an email marketing funnel

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E-mail marketing funnels are a powerful way to increase your sales and your customer base in a cheap manner by nurturing your relationship with your prospects and customers. If you still don’t know how to build e-mail marketing funnels this article is for you! 

What’s an email marketing funnel for conversions?

It’s a series of emails that take your subscribers from being prospective leads, through educational and promotional communications that help them along their journey to becoming customers. To create these successful funnels marketers need not only know what they’re doing but also when it is best time in the life cycle (or stages) someone reach out with queries on your product or service; this way you can make sure there will always be somebody interested enough by any offer sent via message!

First of all, you need to know how to build an Email Marketing Strategy

  • Define your audience: The first step to creating an effective email is understanding who you’re trying to reach. Start with knowing your buyer personas and what they want from a product or service before tailoring everything around that specific group of people’s needs.
  • Establish your goals: You’ll need to know the average email stats for your industry and use them as benchmarks so that you can stay on track towards achieving these targeted outcomes!


  • Build your email list: Building your email list is critical to growing the size of potential customer base and sending them relevant content. To do this, you need a number ways for prospects to opt-in so they can be on board with what’s going in your company or organization!
  • Choose an email campaign type: Some emails should be interactive, some informative and others educational. It all depends on the audience you want to reach!
  • Make a schedule: Contacting your audience on a regular basis is important for keeping them engaged and informed. Make sure you let them know upfront what frequency of contact will be best so they are not disappointed when it happens less often than expected!


  • Measure your results: Marketing is all about the numbers and as such we measure everything. That’s why being meticulous with every key metric will help you make small changes to your emails that yield large results!

Understand the buyer journey

All customers go through these stages before become loyal customers. You need to understand each of these steps to be able to create emails that engage your audience at each stage.

Awareness: Your aim here is to get the word out about your software and business. This is the place to make a solid first impression, attract new leads and generate buzz and awareness.

Consideration: This phase comes after people have become aware of your brand. At this point, your aim is to persuade prospects to seriously consider your brand as a potential solution to their problems.

Adoption: This is when consumers are conducting their final research before buying your product. Ultimately, they will be choosing between you and your competitors, so you have to show them why you are a better choice.

Retention: Once the customer has made a purchase, they’ll decide if they want to continue with your solution based on their pre and post-purchase brand and product experience.

Advocacy: You have to encourage your loyal customers to make referrals at this stage. Most customers who love your product and service will spread the word about you, however, some may need incentives, like a loyalty program.

Create an email marketing funnel

Top of the funnel: generate leads.

Your email list is one of the most important assets you have as a marketer. You may catch many marketers say “the money’s in the list!” but it’s not just an empty boast—it becomes true when they start communicating with their prospects and customers through emails on your behalf.

To begin collecting quality contact info from potential buyers, use either opt-in forms or dedicated landing pages so that subscribers can be engaged while giving out valuable information about what will come next for them: content updates.

Middle of the funnel: lead nurture subscribers.

Good lead generation tactics are key to scaling your business. But it’s not enough just finding one thing that works – you have many different options when trying out new strategies and seeing what gets the best results! One type of strategy is segmenting subscribers by their interest or demographic information so they receive only relevant content and offers tailored specifically for them, which sounds complicated but can actually be done automatically through automation platforms.  

Bottom of the funnel: convert leads into customers.

You may have guessed that this is the beginning of your conversion strategy. You’ve made it past two steps, which means you are already deep in conversation and relationship building with potential customers! Now at last we can start converting them into buyers by providing even more value-driven content for their needs (and hopefully eliciting an emotional response). At bottom stage three – after sending out these personalized nurturing campaigns throughout various stages during our sales process–we want to torture test those leads just enough so they’ll come forward towards purchasing action before giving up on us completely.

Remember, the key is creating engaging emails that satisfy your customer needs through each stage of the buyer journey.

Johanna Torres

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