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3 ways to increase your website traffic!

People use search engines to find what they need! So the best way to get traffic and visibility for your business is to be there!

SEO services allow you to rank your page and be seen by the best customers!

SEM services are ads that allow your business to appear in the first page of a search engine.

how to increase website Traffic?

Ranking your website on the search engines Paying for Ads, also known as SEM Using Socila media as part of your funnel

how to measure your traffic

Connect Google Analytics & Search Console Generating reports from analytics to measure how many users visit your website.

what is the best traffic?

The best traffic comes from people who are interested in your product or services and is usually organic traffic.

how to increase your traffic?

The best way to increase your traffic fast is to apply more than one technique at the same time. 

The best organic traffic comes from search engines such as Google, Baidu and Bing. The reason why we consider this traffic the best is because is more reliable than the traffic you will get from Social media.

Social Media: You can also gain organic traffic from social media, to do it you will need to create an active social presence that drive customers to your website.


You can run campaigns on search engines to rank on top of the search, this technique is usually know as PPC.

You can also run ads in Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and other social media platforms.

You can increase your direct traffic using E-mail & SMS campaigns to drive customers and prospects to your website!

how to measure your traffic?

To measure your web traffic you need to connect your website with Google Analytics and Google Search Console. You can also use SEMrush & Href services to get an idea about your website traffic.

Connecting your website to Google Analytics is a must, and even if you are going to hire a consultant you need to understand the basis, so you can know what is happening with your website!

You can have a hard time measuring the work other people do if you do not understand the basic metrics. Read our Basic metrics explanation and go ahead of your competitors

These are the top secret tools that SEO masters use to develop SEO strategies to rank web sites, learn how to use them.

  1. If you haven’t connected your website to Google Analytics you can save time, by hiring us to do it! 
  2. You can also  do it yourself , just follow the link to get the instructions to do it.

What Is The Best Traffic?

Your business needs customers &  conversions, what is the best traffic? the traffic that converts as simple as that!.

But getting traffic that converts is not that simple, it requires knowing your customers in deep and understanding what they are looking for, what are their problems and more. 

To choose your main traffic source, think about your customers, where do they hang around? How do they use the platforms?

After that, do KeyWord research it will help you to understand what do you need to rank for and design a strategy to achieve your goals. 

  1. If you do not have time to do a key Word research  you can save time, by hiring us to do it! 
  2. You can also  do it yourself , just follow the link to get the instructions to do it.
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